9:02am Just went back into Jack's room to remind him that it's nap time, that it's "not time to wake up" and to tell him to close his eyes and go to sleep.... Dealing with his sleep is the hardest part for me. But our sleep consultant (who we call Sleep Nana) also says that babies get what they want 90% of the time.... but that the other 10% of the time is when we as parents should be exerting our discipline and setting boundaries. The 10% number is apparently going to increase as the little guy grows.... if this is the foundation for how I prevent Jack from being one of those little terror kids that has no discipline and shows no respect, then I'll do whatever it takes.
Meanwhile, on the home front, the Husband and I are adjusting to this MAJOR change in our lifestyle. Being that we took on parenthood a little older, we had many years to enjoy the luxury of no heavy responsibilities. Our biggest challenges used to be deciding whether to have Vietnamese or Sushi for dinner, do we take the walk along the Bay or do we walk on the street side, how about we meet up after I have 4 hours of drinking with my best friend in the Marina, etc... we had NO responsibilities. We had NO CLUE. Holy Shit - how becoming a parent changes you.
9:10am I think he finally fell asleep... just took 40 minutes of struggling - for both of us.
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